Saturday, August 21, 2010

our anniversary: part 3

i almost forgot (until i looked through our pictures and remembered) that the day after our anniversary we took a brief trip up to lake tahoe. sam had taken 2 days off in a row, and it had been FOREVER since that had happened. so we were milking it for all it was worth.

we didn't find a very great spot in tahoe. and the kids were really used to the soft sand of seaside, so we didn't stay very long (it was really hot, the rocky sand beach was VERY hot and the water was slimy)

but these kids really do love to dig and play in the dirt

so we found a bit of shade and had some fun

mason's totally indecent because i had packed her an 18 month swimsuit, i guess she forgot to tell me that she's 2 1/2 not 1 1/2. whoops.
on our way home we took a drive through the donner state park to scope at camping sites (sam took campbell there the following weekend) and then took a really beautiful scenic drive home. even though tahoe was a short trip, i am very, very, very happy to be sitting in air conditioning.

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