Thursday, September 11, 2008


I love babywearing! More specifically I love my SleepyWrap!  It is the best babywearing device out there.  And just look how happy Mason is while I use it.  My only hope is that I'll still be able to use this on the airplane (got my tickets yesterday, the kids and I are going to Oregon/Washington to visit my family!) and that my belly won't be too big and in the way by then.  Yikes.  We will see.  Hopefully it will all work out well on the plane.  Mason isn't always so content just sitting.... she prefers to stand.  So I am throwing all my eggs in hoping that my SleepyWrap gets to be used in flight!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Mary! Remember us, Valen and Carol? Seems like it's been such a long time. No one told us you had one child, let alone two. I could cheerfully strangle someone! Our congrats and love to you! We are headed to California this week, speaking in a church in Grenada and then on to Hemet to see Valen's mom.

Anonymous said...

She looks so happy! I can't wait to wear my babies some day! You are so blessed!